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Invitation to the 2nd C-V2X Plugtest ™ remote event 20-31 July 2020

ETSI, in partnership with 5GAA, is pleased to invite you to the 2nd C V2X Plugtests™ event which will be held remotely from 20 to 31 July 2020.

C-V2X (Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything) is an Intelligent Transport System service using mobile communication technology for direct communication as well as network communication between vehicles, from vehicle to pedestrian and from vehicle to infrastructure.

What are the objectives and scope?

The 2nd C-V2X Plugtests event will enable ITS stations and PKI vendors to run interoperability test sessions to assess the level of interoperability of their implementation and validate the understanding of the ITS security standards.

The goal of interoperability testing is to check that implementations of devices with different form factors can work together and provide the functionalities specified in the standards. This edition of the Plugtests event will focus on testing ITS Security features (EU ITS Security Policy and EU ITS Certificate Policy) in order to support industry in the C-ITS deployment in the common single European trust domain as defined by the European Commission in the Release 1 of the document "Security Policy & Governance Framework for Deployment and Operation of European Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C ITS)". A test plan based on the interoperability test specification for ITS security ETSI TS 103 600 v1.1.1 will be used for this event.

This is a unique chance for solution providers to maximize the effectiveness of their ITS solutions in test environments. Additionally, ETSI CTI (Centre for Testing and Interoperability) will provide a test system to test the conformance of secured ITS-S and PKI implementations.

The event is free of charge and is open to both ETSI members and non-members.

Registration is now open, until 12 June 2020: https://www.etsi.org/events/1710-cv2x-plugtests-2

Plugtests activities are supported by the European Commission and EFTA.

Should you have any questions or queries, please contact the Plugtests team at plugtests@etsi.org

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