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BAPCO Annual Event 2024 Review

This year’s BAPCO Annual Event proved a fitting tribute to the celebration of 30 years of the Association including the introduction of our new trustees to members, awarding three more Ian Thompson Bursaries to encourage innovation in the public safety arena, and the gathering of a great many of our Past Presidents and Life Members.

In addition, we were delighted to award our latest Life Membership to Andy Rooke for his outstanding career in public safety and contribution to British APCO via Sussex Police, Transport for London, European projects, and his advocacy of e-Call to name just a few.

The Conference itself addressed topics at the top of the public safety communications agenda including AI, the role of human decisions in emergencies, the next generation of emergency communications and technology, the importance of collaboration, the use of virtual reality for training, and ensuring safeguarding and protection from cyber-attacks. We are extremely thankful to have had input from representatives from each of the emergency service providers.  There were also updates from our partners EENA, inputs from around the world, and the latest news from the UK Home Office Emergency Services Mobile Communications Programme headed up by a video cameo from Chris Philp, Minister for Crime, Policing, and Fire.

We would like to thank our speakers for sharing their wisdom, expertise, and real-life scenarios, our exhibitors who added the latest technology, glamour and buzz to the event, and of course all those who attended as delegates to ensure networking, knowledge sharing and best practice spread to the benefit of all in the field.

Why not find out what some of our key suppliers thought of our Annual Event – and get some insights into the show by listening to the Crit Comms Circle podcast dedicated to BAPCO2024 which can be found here: https://www.spreaker.com/episode/ep-52-bapco-24-highlights-and-views-from-vendors--59258881 

Thank you to Paul Bremner and Ildefonso de la Cruz of Omdia for independently producing the podcast; and to those suppliers who took time out to talk to Paul and Ildefonso about the view from the show floor with their event highlights.

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