APD has launched the Control Room Awards 2018 to recognise the life-saving and life-changing work of control room staff working for the emergency services and within a wide range of public and private sector organisations.
British APCO is proud to announce that we will be supporting the awards, more news to come over the coming days.
In addition to the press release a secondary piece is available here featuring the story of Deborah Griffiths, the West Yorkshire Police Call Handler who took the first 999 call following the fatal attack on MP Jo Cox. Her outstanding professionalism and contribution to the response to a traumatic incident illustrates why control room staff are deserving of recognition in these new awards.
To nominate an individual or team for the APD Control Room Awards, visit https://www.controlroomawards.com/nominate/
If you are interested in becoming a sponsor for the awards, visit https://www.controlroomawards.com/sponsors/ for more information.
Follow the Control Room Awards on Facebook: @controlroomawards and Twitter: @CR_Awards
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