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Want to be a British APCO Trustee?

British APCO is a continually growing community, with extensive knowledge and experience in public safety technology due to our members' use and delivery of real-life public safety solutions. As a registered charity, we are an independent, user led Association who work to improve both emergency services and public safety communications alongside the associated information technology, for the benefit of the both the public and our frontline operational colleagues.

This is an exciting time for the Association; we have an ambitious strategic plan in place to ensure that our impact continues moving forward. However, these are also challenging times we live in, and many aspects of our sector are changing significantly with rapid changes in technology. This makes it an interesting moment to take stock and bring new ideas and views onto our Trustee board to both help us and develop the Association in the following spaces;

  • navigate a complex and changing technology landscape,
  • represent our stakeholders both public sector and commercial,
  • develop our governance to support the strategic direction of the Association, and
  • ensure we are meeting our charitable aims.

We are looking for volunteers who have a genuine interest in our work, a passion for public safety and a desire to bring who you are, and your skills and experience, to contribute to our journey.  We recognise we are asking you to volunteer your time but believe that we really will offer a rewarding experience in making a difference and an opportunity in supporting critical safety solutions.

The deadline for applications is Friday 22nd December 2023.

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