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Who is EENA?

EENA, the European Emergency Number Association, is a non-governmental organisation based in Brussels, with the mission to contribute to improving the safety and security of people.

What is our vision?

Our vision is that every citizen can access emergency services and receive the appropriate information and care during an emergency or a disaster. To that end, we want to be the organisation in the sector driving change and making an impact. What we do, we do it for the people we serve, and we never forget it. We intend to be a highly effective, efficient and fast-moving organisation, trusted and credible for our actions, intentions and results. We want the people working for and with us to be inspired to drive change, and to effectively do it. We want anyone in this field to know that they can rely on us, we want them to feel they are part of a community that looks forward and gets things done. We don’t settle for anything less than excellence in what we do.

How does EENA work?

EENA serves as a discussion platform for all stakeholders in the emergency services field: public authorities & emergency services, decision makers, researchers, associations and solution providers. The EENA memberships include more than 1500 emergency services representatives from over 80 countries world-wide, 100 solution providers, 15 international associations/organisations, more than 200 Members of the European Parliament and more than 90 researchers.

What is 112?

112 is the European emergency number, available free of charge, 24/7, anywhere in the European Union.  Citizens can dial 112 to reach the emergency services, including the police, emergency medical services and the fire brigade.

EENA believes that having a common emergency number everywhere in Europe is of direct benefit to citizens and visitors but, unfortunately, this potentially life-saving number is largely unknown.

You may find here useful information related to 112, such as what it is, why it is important, how people in distress should use the emergency number and what can you do to help raise awareness of the European emergency number.


Connect with EENA:

Twitter: @112_sos